Aotea College Parent Groups

Aotea College Association (ACA)

Parents who actively support the Aotea learning environment, engage in school events to welcome parents and fundraising for special projects. 

ACA Achievements

We are funding great stuff for your kids including

  • BYOD Lockers
  • Scarves
  • Barbershop support
  • Art Press
  • Picnic Tables
  • World Scholar’s Cup support
  • Entertainment Books
  • Pies and Christmas Hams in 2019
  • Supporting the social aspect of AC Open and Information evenings

Extra Benefits

  • Meet the Principal regularly
  • Opportunity to provide feedback to the school and contribute to strategic and annual plans
  • You choose – be a regular or an occasional helper

How can you help?

  • Serve supper at school events and information evenings
  • Connect with other parents
  • Lend a hand with occasional fundraising events
  • Contribute to the schools support networks

Learning Support Parent Network

This parent network group is an opportunity for parents who have children with diverse education needs. It is an opportunity to discuss neuro-diverse learning, common experiences parents face and find out more about how the school can support their child. 

The group meets once a term in the Staffroom.

The dates for 2024 are as follows:

Term 1: Monday 26/02 

Term 2: Monday 27/05

Term 3: Monday 19/08

If you would like further information on this network please email the head of learning support at

Pacific Voices

The Pacific Voices is a school community group that supports development of excellence with Pasifika students, whānau and staff at Aotea College.  Meetings are held once a month at 5.30pm in the school staffroom.  Common areas of discussion are students’ achievement, and connections with the wider community and Polyfest.

Kahui Kuratea

This group is a collective of student leaders, parents, teachers and senior leadership members, who meet to provide advice and guidance to the college and community in:

  • Fostering quality engagement between the school and our Maori community in order to continue to raise Maori student achievements
  • Improve the wellbeing of Maori students by building safe, supportive, inclusive communication between school and home

Kapa Haka Whānau Group

Being part of the Kapa Haka Whānau Group is an opportunity for parents and extended whānau to support the rangatahi who are members of the Aotea College Kapa Haka group.

As they navigate their journey through these college years, support and encouragement from those who are their greatest champions is essential to ensure they rise to all the challenges and walk tall as Māori.

For more details on the whānau group and how you can support both the students and the school please contact Matua Urwin at